Stress and burn-out coaching

for your employees who want to stop unhealthy stress in its tracks or recover from burnout

Stress and burn-out coaching

For young professionals in their 20s and 30s

Stress is a part of life and is often a useful signal from your body. Stress sets you in motion and keeps you on your toes. But if you experience too much stress for too long, it becomes paralyzing, inescapable and exhausting. You might have an employee whose performance is starting to deteriorate and who is becoming less able to do the things they want to do. When this happens, stress is no longer useful. On the contrary, it has become unhealthy.

Of course, it is best to avoid excessive stress. But if that’s not possible or your employ isn’t even aware that their stress levels are slowly rising, they could suffer from burnout. Het Groei Atelier can help prevent stress building up through stress prevention or provide support to recover from burnout.

Does this sound like you?

Stress management coaching

Stress Prevention

Through the coaching programme we will investigate the causes of your employee’s unhealthy stress. By understanding the causes, we can help them to find solutions. Potential ways to reduce stress include looking at yourself and the world differently, being assertive, exercising more and working less.

Recover from Exhaustion or Burnout

Prevent a new burnout together with a professional stress and burnout coach

When someone is experiencing burnout, they go into survival mode. Through the coaching programme we will work on their recovery. The main goal is to get your employee back to work. As part of our stress management coaching programmes, we provide body-oriented relaxation exercises and meditations. Once they are more relaxed, we can investigate the causes of their burnout. Based on these causes, we can find solutions that work for them to ensure they never end up in this situation again.

Werkboek coaching life stress burn out

Growth After Crisis

We are convinced that every crisis (including burnout) is an opportunity for growth. Stress and burnout coaching not only provides a wealth of new insights, but it sets you in motion. Your employee will learn to experience more peace, energy and joy. They will be better able to give space to things that are really meaningful to them.

In four steps from your objective to concrete result

Het Groei Atelier has developed a unique coaching model. This coaching model is based on a range of theories. Work with your coach to take four steps from setting your goal to concrete results. On top of this coaching model, we use various tools with proven effectiveness.


The first step in every coaching programme is to identify your coaching goal. During your coaching sessions, we will build your self-awareness so you can gain greater insight and understanding of how you think, act and feel.


Your potential is the sum of your talents, skills and experience. It is your strength. Living and working from your strength is the path to happiness. In this phase you will also investigate what prevents you from harnessing your full potential.


Inspiration is what your heart strives for, what drives and motivates you. Living and working from inspiration energizes you. So it makes sense that neglecting your inspiration and personal drive drains you of that same energy.

Personal leadershipself

Finally, we help to increase you personal leadership: achieve real results with new insights in self-awareness, inspiration and increased potential.

Let's meet

Would you like to meet a coach in your area?

Het Groei Atelier has coaches in all major cities in the Netherlands. Look at the map for adresses of our coaching locations.